Tirol Atlas Archive

Landeck (Tyrol) Wikipedia Link
main village: Landeck
Communities (30):
Basic data
Population, 12/31/201343,959
Area1,594.8 km²
Settled area126 km²
Overnight stays of tourists 2009/20107,613,470
Fact sheets
Agriculture - Population - Tourism (enterprises) - Economy - Elections - Area
Natural environment
Satellite image (80x80km)
Altitude distribution (help)
Corine Land Cover
topographic map
Bludenz, Imst, Inn, Reutte, Vinschgau/ Val Venosta
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Important transit routes have led through the district of Landeck since early times: in a south-north direction over the Reschenpass and Fernpass and to the west over the Arlbergpass. Landeck itself is a major crossroads. Inner-Austrian road connections to the district of Landeck, whose communities lie off the beaten track and are considered some of the most isolated areas in Tyrol, has only been facilitated since the building of the Arlberg Schnellstraße and the Westbahn railway line over the Arlberg. Initially characterised by predominantly pastureland and milk production, without any significant industry, income from tourism has come to play an important role nowadays. An expansion of the settlements has been a consequence of the upswing in winter tourism, above all in the Stanzertal (St. Anton) and the Paznauntal (Kappl, Ischgl, Galtür). The entire district is categorised as an area of extreme mountain farming; whereby farming and forestry mainly serve as an additional income. Some parts of the district, such as the communities of the Kaunerberg can be described as inner alpine arid areas. Fruit is grown where the climate is relatively mild. Most famous in this connection are the fruit growers of Stanz nr. Landeck. A further settlement centre is Zams in the Oberinntal. The Kaunertal power station at Prutz takes its water from the Gepatschstausee reservoir and is one of the biggest storage power stations in Austria.

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