Tirol Atlas Archive

Landeck (Tyrol) Wikipedia Link *
District: Landeck
NUTS-3 area: Tiroler Oberland
Arms: None
Basic data
Population, 12/31/20137828
Area15.9 km²
Settled area4.5 km²
Overnight stays of tourists 2009/2010109931
Fact sheets
Agriculture - Population - Tourism (time series) - Tourism (enterprises) - Sports facilities - Economy - Elections - Area
Natural environment
Satellite image (80x80km)
Altitude distribution (help)
potential sunshine duration january till december (3MB video - legend)
Corine Land Cover
topographic map
Fiss, Fließ, Grins, Pians, Stanz bei Landeck, Tobadill, Zams
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By incorporating the four villages of Perjen, Perfuchs, Bruggen and Angedair (today's centre) Landeck was created in 1900. In 1923 Landeck got its city charter and became the capital of the district of Landeck with infrastructure of regional importance. Earlier than 1900 the name "Landeck" only referred to the medieval castle south of the town. During the Middle Ages the castle accommodated the regional court. Today it houses a cultural centre and the district museum. Due to its geographical position at the junction of west-east traffic over the Arlberg and the north-south traffic over the Fern- and Reschen Pass, Landeck has become an important traffic junction. Before the opening of the tunnelled bypasses in the north and east of Landeck, the traffic went through the town on its narrow roads causing severe pollution. Landeck is the starting point for public buses operating in the nearby valleys and an important railway station on the Arlberg route.

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