Tirol Atlas Archive

Überetsch-Südtiroler Unterland/ Oltradige-Bassa Atesina (South Tyrol) Wikipedia Link
main village: Neumarkt
Communities (18):
Basic data
Population, 12/31/201372,156
Area423.6 km²
Settled area154.8 km²
Overnight stays of tourists 2009/20101,992,098
Fact sheets
Agriculture - Population - Tourism (enterprises) - Elections - Economy - Area
Natural environment
Satellite image (80x80km)
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Corine Land Cover
topographic map
Bolzano/ Bozen , Burggrafenamt/ Burgraviato, Salten-Schlern/ Salto-Sciliar, Valle dell'Adige, Valle di Fiemme, Valle di Non
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The district community of Überetsch-Sudtiroler Unterland with its administrative seat in Neumarkt includes the communities of the Etschtal south of Nals and those of the Oberetsch on the slopes west of the Etsch. Before the regulation of the river the Etschtal was marshy and burst its banks regularly. Only after its drainage was permanent settlement and land cultivation into an extensive fruit and wine-growing area possible. Wines such as the Gewürztraminer or the Kalterer See, named after the warmest alpine lake, are now known internationally. Along the wine route lie popular tourist towns such as Tramin, Kaltern and Eppan. The eastern side of the Etsch includes Salern, Neumarkt, Auer, Branzoll and Leifers, the youngest town in South Tyrol. The many castles and fortifications bear witness to the fact that people were also interested in this region far earlier. The southern boundary of the district community, the Salerner Klause, a very narrow stretch of valley, also forms the border between South Tyrol and the Trentino. Due to the proximity to the language border some communities are characterised by a majority of Italian-speakers.

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