Tirol Atlas Archive

Stams (Tyrol) Wikipedia Link *
District: Imst
NUTS-3 area: Tiroler Oberland
Arms: None
Basic data
Population, 12/31/20131332
Area33.6 km²
Settled area5.0 km²
Overnight stays of tourists 2009/201015678
Fact sheets
Agriculture - Population - Tourism (time series) - Tourism (enterprises) - Sports facilities - Economy - Elections - Area
Natural environment
Satellite image (80x80km)
Altitude distribution (help)
potential sunshine duration january till december (3MB video - legend)
Corine Land Cover
topographic map
Flaurling, Mieming, Mötz, Oberhofen im Inntal, Rietz, Sankt Sigmund im Sellrain, Silz
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Stams in the Oberinntal has a long tradition and is of supra-regional scale importance. The church devoted to St. Johannes has been a pilgrimage site since the Middle Ages. The Cistercian abbey, with its striking baroque onion domes, was founded by the Tyrolean Count Meinhard II (1273) and has been the spiritual centre of the region. The pedagogical academy, the study centre of the diocese of Innsbruck, the Meinhardinum grammar school and the boarding school for Alpine and Nordic winter sports (with ski jumps) clearly show that Stams is a centre for education. In 1995 the provincial exhibition took place in the abbey. Next to the various schools the monasterial businesses characterize the village.

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