Tirol Atlas Archive

Eisacktal/ Valle Isarco (South Tyrol) Wikipedia Link
main village: Brixen
Communities (13):
Basic data
Population, 12/31/201350,287
Area623.8 km²
Settled area103.8 km²
Overnight stays of tourists 2009/20102,507,703
Fact sheets
Agriculture - Population - Tourism (enterprises) - Elections - Economy - Area
Natural environment
Satellite image (80x80km)
Altitude distribution (help)
Corine Land Cover
topographic map
Pustertal/ Val Pusteria, Salten-Schlern/ Salto-Sciliar, Wipptal/ Alta Valle Isarco
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The district community of Eisacktal incorporates the communities along the River Eisack from the south of Franzensfeste to Waidbruck, the Valser Tal, parts of the Pustertal and the Villnöss. The present extent of the district was established in 1979 when six communities of the original valley communities, which were set up in 1968, broke away and decided to unite in a district of their own: the district of Wipptal. The administrative seat is in the town of Brixen, a former diocesan town in the most northerly wine-growing region. There is an extensive industrial area in the south of the town. Further important towns are Waidbruck, Feldthurn, Valern and the little town of Klausen which is famous for its monastery on the Säbener Burgfelsen. The narrowness of the Eisack Valley is exploited near Klausen and Waidbruck where the river has been dammed for power production.

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