Tirol Atlas Archive

Miesbach (Oberbayern) Wikipedia Link
main village: Miesbach
Communities (17):
Bad Wiessee - Bayrischzell - Fischbachau - Gmund a.T. - Hausham - Holzkirchen - Irschenberg - Kreuth - Miesbach - Otterfing - Rottach-Egern - Schliersee - Tegernsee - Valley - Waakirchen - Warngau - Weyarn
Basic data
Population, 12/31/2013-
Area863.5 km²
Settled area356.7 km²
Overnight stays of tourists 2009/2010-
Fact sheets
Agriculture - Population - Tourism (enterprises) - Elections - Economy - Area
Natural environment
Altitude distribution (help)
Corine Land Cover
topographic map
Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, Kufstein, München, Rosenheim, Schwaz
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The district is located in the Bavarian Oberland and incorporates both alpine and prealpine terrain. Due to the high rainfall on the edge of the Alps, agricultural land is used mainly as pasture. The Tegernsee is the tourist centre of this region and Bad Wiessee is a spa resort. Furthermore, the district is marked by medium-sized businesses, but many local people also commute to near-by Munich.

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