Datasheet Elections (EU)
Former Tegernsee Monastery (Image: Tegernseer Tal Tourismus GmbH)
Miesbach <> Tyrol
European elections 2004
Eligible voters 69533  - 495258  -
Total votes 29568 42.52% 168562 34.04%
Valid votes 29228 98.9% 165452 98.2%
Invalid votes 340 1.1% 3110 1.8%
Fractions Chart
PPE-DE 18673 63.89% 66640 40.93%
PSE 3246 11.11% 31576 19.4%
ELDR 1284 4.39% 0 0.0%
Verts/ALE 3351 11.47% 28197 17.32%
GUE/NGL 164 0.56% 0 0.0%
UEN 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
NI 0 0.0% 35239 21.65%
Others 2510 8.59% 1151 0.71%
Results at election-evening.
Percentages have been rounded to one decimal place.