Tirol Atlas Archive

Alta Valsugana (Trentino) Wikipedia Link
main village: Pergine
Communities (20):
Baselga di Pinè - Bedollo - Bosentino - Calceranica Al Lago - Caldonazzo - Centa San Nicolò - Civezzano - Fierozzo - Fornace - Frassilongo - Lavarone - Levico Terme - Luserna - Palù del Fersina - Pergine Valsugana - S.Orsola Terme - Tenna - Vattaro - Vignola-Falesina - Vigolo Vattaro
Basic data
Population, 12/31/2013-
Area394.5 km²
Settled area- km²
Overnight stays of tourists 2009/2010-
Fact sheets
Agriculture - Population - Tourism (enterprises) - Elections - Economy - Area
Natural environment
Altitude distribution (help)
Corine Land Cover
topographic map
Bassa Valsugana e del Tesino, Vallagarina, Valle dell'Adige, Valle di Fiemme
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From a historical point of view, the Valsugana is one of the most important valleys in the Trentino. The Roman road, the Via Claudia Augusta, once Europe's main road, led through the valley and connected the Adraitic with Augsburg. The good construction of this long-distance road that runs through the valley makes it one of the most important traffic transit routes because the route from the Veneto in the direction of the Brenner is shorter than the route Venice-Verona-Brenner. The Fersental (Valle dei Mocheni) is of particular interest as it has remained a German-speaking enclave to this day. This occurred in the Middle Ages when German-speaking farmers and miners settled here. The western part close to Trient is an intensive tourist area. In the late 19th century the Levico Therme baths were established and became popular with the upper classes. The lake Caldonazzo See is a further international tourist centre. Otherwise the scenery is marked by vineyards and orchards and groves of edible horse-chestnuts.

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