Welcome to the Tirol Atlas

The Tirol Atlas is an Interreg III A project co-financed by the regional governments of Tyrol, South Tyrol and the European Community, carried out by the Department of Geography, University of Innsbruck. Project area comprises North, East and South Tyrol as well as surrounding regions within a buffer of about 20 km. Unfortunately not all content is available in English for now, so German pages will be linked instead. Please make your choice below.


Thematic Maps
german | italian


Topographic Map



Topics & Maps

Maps, charts, tables and explanatory texts on a variety of topics (German only)

--Index --Agriculture --Centrality --Corine Landcover --Economy --Education --Nature Chronicle --Elections --Population --Territory --Tourism --Traffic --Water --Wealth and poverty


Descriptions of all Tyrolean communities with images, texts, data and specials ...

--Index --395 communities --17 districts --Image collection --Crests (german)


Discover Tyrol and be creative! A place for kids and the curious from 6 to 99 years (german and italian only)

--Index --Info-corner --Games --Tinker's corner --Links --Teacher's lounge