Tirol Atlas Archive



Image collection »Wenns«

Wenns is the smallest, but most populous village in the Pitztal. The village is situated in a sunny basin, where the road over the Pillersattel Pass to the Kaunertal and the Oberes Gericht region starts. Because of its central location Wenns has become the infrastructural centre of the valley. It is furthermore the social and health centre and houses the main tourist office. The village is subdivided into the central village of Wenns and numerous hamlets on the south-eastern slopes of the Venet or Pillersattel Mountain. The economy is based on winter and summer tourism with an emphasis on outdoor activities. Wenns is furthermore well known for its Shrovetide and the Tyrol's oldest crib carving society (1860).

Tirol Atlas image No.°6065
Tirol Atlas image No.°1393
Wenns, center
Tirol Atlas image No.°1391
Tirol Atlas image No.°5083
Wenns in winter
Overview map
Topographic map
Further links: Hazards Chronicle Tyrol, Weblink »Wikipedia«, tiroLexikon