Tirol Atlas Archive



Image collection »Bayerische Voralpen«

The Bavarian Voralpen (pre-Alps) stretch in an easterly direction from Garmisch as far as the Inntal valley and to the Rofangebirge in the south and run out into the Voralpen in the north. Characteristics for these Voralpen are steep, generally forested slopes and precipitous limestone rock faces. The highest peak is the Krottenkopf (2086 m) in the Estergebirge chain. Further important mountains as vantage points and for hiking are the Benediktenwand (1801 m), Wank (1780 m), Herzogstand (1731 m) and Wendelstein (1837 m). The Bavarian Alps can be further divided up into: the Estergebirge (Loisach-Walchensee), Tegernseer Berge (Isar-Tegernsee-Weiße Valepp), Schlierseer Berge (WeißeValepp-Leitsachtal) and Wendelsteingruppe (between the Leitzach, Ursprungs and Inntal valleys).

Tirol Atlas image No.°8545
View from Brauneck (1556 m) to Lenggries
Tirol Atlas image No.°8524
View from Brauneck (1556 m) to the south
Tirol Atlas image No.°8536
Idealhang, ski region Lenggries/Brauneck
Tirol Atlas image No.°8567
View at Wank (1780 m) and the bavarian prealps
Tirol Atlas image No.°7765
The bavarian alps south of Bad Toelz
Tirol Atlas image No.°8003
Tegernsee with Wallberg
Tirol Atlas image No.°8002
Tirol Atlas image No.°11405
Wendelstein and Breitenstein seen from the Leitzach-valley
Overview map
Topographic map
Further links: Weblink »Wikipedia«