Tirol Atlas Archive



Image collection »Tuxer Alpen«

The Tuxer Alpen are located between the Wipp, Inn, Ziller and Tuxer valleys. They consist mainly of crystalline rocks, whereby the gentle gradients of the slopes lend themselves well to mountain pasture farming and winter sports. They lie in front of the Zillertaler Alpen and are not glaciated. Among the most well-known peaks are the Rastkogel (2762 m) and the Glungezer (2677 m). As a geological inconsistency, a band of limestone runs through the Tuxer Alpen and with the Lizumer Reckner (2886 m) provides striking formations.

Tirol Atlas image No.°8520
Alpine pasture land in the Tuxer Alpen (Navis)
Tirol Atlas image No.°8523
View from Mislalm to the southeast (Navis)
Tirol Atlas image No.°6975
Tirol Atlas image No.°7673
Tirol Atlas image No.°8325
Tirol Atlas image No.°8548
Mislkopf (2623 m)
Tirol Atlas image No.°2162
Navis, Miesl Alm
Overview map
Topographic map
Further links: Hazards Chronicle Tyrol, Weblink »Wikipedia«