Datasheet Economy
Salten-Schlern/ Salto-Sciliar
Deutschnofen, center (Image: Dr. Hans Gschnitzer)
Salten-Schlern/ Salto-Sciliar <> Bolzano/ Bozen
Economic structure - Residential employees Chart 1971 2001
Agriculture (absolute) 4020 1118 2460 1181
Agriculture (%) 29.5% 2.8% 11.5% 2.8%
Industry (absolute) 4120 13520 6593 9045
Industry (%) 30.3% 34.3% 30.9% 21.7%
Services (absolute) 5472 24815 12283 31515
Services (%) 40.2% 62.9% 57.6% 75.5%
Citizenship of the employees Chart 2001
Natives 97.4% 95.0%
EU-15 1.1% 1.0%
Other states 1.6% 4.0%
Employment market - Employment rates Chart 1971 2001
Employment rate 62.6% 55.4% 71.5% 65.7%
Employment rate - Females 35.7% 34.3% 63.5% 64.7%
Employment rate - Males 92.0% 80.7% 83.5% 74.2%
Employment market - Working hours Chart 2001
Registered employees 21336 41741
Registered employees - Females 8455 18560
Registered employees - Males 12881 23181
Full-time 87.3% 83.9%
Full-time - Females 74.5% 69.7%
Full-time - Males 95.7% 95.3%
Part-time and marginal jobs 12.7% 16.1%
Part-time and marginal jobs - Females 25.5% 30.3%
Part-time and marginal jobs - Males 4.3% 4.7%
Employment market - Professional position Chart 2001
Self-employment rate 40.2% 20.4%
Self-employment rate - Females 34.1% 12.0%
Self-employment rate - Males 43.9% 26.2%
Unemployment Chart 2006
Unemployment rate 2.5% 3.8%
Unemployment rate - Females 3.9% 3.9%
Unemployment rate - Males 1.5% 3.7%
Working commuters Chart 1991 2001
Incoming commuters 2910 14945 2728 16006
Outgoing commuters 6617 4895 6616 2969
Index of commuter balance 79.3 124.6 80.2 131.8
Commuter rate 37.0% 12.0% 31.0% 7.1%
Jobs - Structure of branches Tyrol* Image
Jobs - Structure of branches South Tyrol* Image
Jobs - The most important branches* Chart 1991 2001
Manufacturing industries 21.84% 13.91% 20.28% 12.36%
Trade 11.27% 22.25% 11.8% 18.46%
Tourism (Accomodation and restaurants) 27.64% 4.0% 23.56% 4.34%
Construction 14.13% 5.94% 14.25% 6.86%
Manufacturing industries - Ranking of branches in North and South Tyrol Image
Jobs - Public sector Chart
Structural change in services Chart
Companies according to economic sectors and average dimension Chart 1991 2001
Smallest enterprises (0-9 dipendent employees) 96.3% 89.4% 95.1% 92.1%
Small enterprises (10-49 dipendent employees) Chart 3.6% 8.8% 4.6% 6.5%
Medium enterprises (50-199 dipendent employees) 0.2% 1.5% 0.2% 1.2%
Large enterprises (200 and more dipendent employees) 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.3%
Crafts enterprises Chart 2006 2006 (in %)
Crafts enterprises 1856 2129 31.6% 20.0%
Other enterprises 4015 8519 68.4% 80.0%
Business start-ups Chart 1998 2005
Business start-ups 212 682 224 856
Economic politics - Communal finances Chart 2001 2004
Receipts (1000 €) 105443 259156 131485 241005
Expenditures (1000 €) Chart 106304 221972 124747 236612
Excess/Deficit (1.000 €) -861 37184 6738 4393
Economic politics - Taxes Chart 1998 2004
Trade tax (1000 €) 91784 239909 131485 241005
Trade tax - Average of yearly variation in tax receipts 1998-2004 6.5% 0.6%
*without agriculture, forestry and fishing