Datasheet Area
Stans (Image: Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck)
Stans <> Bolzano/ Bozen
Area (km²) Altitude distribution (SVG) 20.1 52.3
Altitude (m) 563 262
Landcoverage 2001 Chart
Forest area (ha) 52.4% 42.3% 1053 2211
Waterbodies and moist areas (ha) 1.6% 2.7% 33 140
Agriculturally used area (ha)* 28.7% 29.6% 576 1550
Built-up area (ha) 1.2% 18.2% 25 952
Other coverages (ha) 16.1% 7.2% 323 377
Settled Area 2002 Chart
Settled Area (km²) 21.9% 53.5% 4.4 28.0
Proportion of built-up area 5.7% 34.0%


*leisure time-green included
Percentages have been rounded to one decimal place.