Topographic Map
The topographical map of Tyrol makes a special overview of the field of work possible. The core area North, South and East Tyrol with a border of some 20 kms contains the most detailed information. Less detailed information is given in the alpine region outside Tyrol. Depending on the subject at hand, any degree of zoom is possible. When the mouse is run over the map, the names of objects such as streets and roads, stretches of water, summits and lift facilities and much more appear. With a mouse click the user is given further details like, for example, descriptions and photographs of sights and statistical data of lift facilities.
A special feature is the interactive altitude profile created by drawing a route of one's choice. All objects included (at present approx. 12000) can be found through the search function and the place chosen will appear on the map. You will need Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari5 or IE9 to view the map.